Thursday, September 24, 2009

A New Year Begins

Whoa! What the hell happened to September, it’s almost over already, life has been crazy busy and wonderful since my last post, no I haven’t given up on blogging. I’ve just been trying to be more in the moment, not to mention having lots and lots and lots of reading / work to do. So I haven’t been worried about posting on the blog. But needless to say I have not forgotten nor do I plan on stopping my often rambling reflections.

I do feel it’s important to get perspective from time to time and I still enjoy the process of thinking, planning and writing. My classes are engaging, and have me thinking about a myriad of topics, so I hope in the future to post my thoughts on those topics as well. We’ll see how it goes. I hope everyone's New Year was restful and inspiring and I hope that you’re all preparing to be judged on Yom Kippur, may we all merit a year filled with much happiness and love.

Shalom Aleichem