Monday, November 23, 2009

Not all who wander

I’ve been trying to find a new use this space which I’ve grown so comfortable over the last few years, why you may ask? Good Question.

Many reasons: For a long time this blog was an attempt to make sense of an idea and it has served that purpose and then some. It became my emotional and intellectual sounding board during ten intense months in Israel the transition back to America. I’ve developed, through my writing, a perspective on the question I originally sought to ask, namely: What does it mean, too me to be a Jew.

Put differently, it’s found its place in my life and learned to just shut up and not bother me so much.

Another reason: My life is changing.

I started graduate school and am now working towards my masters in Urban and Regional Affairs. It’s a big investment of time and creativity. I figure that after a few solid years of hard work (which I have no doubt I will complain about the whole way through) I will inshallah have had enough time to sort through the next set of questions that I must find answers to. And there’s no reason this blog can’t be a part of it.

With the whys out of the way, we move to our next question: what’s next?

Basically the same thing I’ve been doing for the last month or two. I spent the last few months, resisting the idea of going in this direction. An idea which I had to this point refused to give in to, but now have decided to embrace. It’s the natural choice given what I’ve been learning and bisrat hashem it will lead me to as much clarity as writing what I affectionately think of as the ‘Manic Mitzvah Chronicles' did.

Lastly J.RR Tolken said not all who wander are lost, after much wandered and feeling like I was, in fact, lost. I now understand what he was talking about.

Thanks for walking along the way with me.