Monday, May 12, 2008

The yeshiva life

Being in Israel... what can I say about the experience that I haven't already said? Its weird lately I feel like I've had nothing to say about it, it simply is. So strange, Over the last six plus months I've grown and struggled and laughed and even cried just a little bit. I've become a religious Jew, something I never would have seen coming just three years ago. I've realized I can't hide it anymore, that I can't pretend I see life one way when in the moments of clarity I have its all seems so obvious. I've tried to find an identity for myself in a strange community and by and large succeeded. I've worked hard at living in the moment and I think I've done a pretty good job. Yeshiva life is like that, there aren't a lot of distractions to occupy you. You really have control over every moment of your day, its your time here, your time to try your best to figure it all out(well not it all, thats unrealistic but you get what I mean) . I got to see some family over the last month. Its difficult because its so great to see them but its also makes me realize what a foreign world I've entered into. They don't altogether get it and thats scary. To think about living in a world that the people closest to you might never truly understand. My grandmother has said on more then one occasion that our family's greatest blessing and curse is that we all love each other so much. And it's true calling home every week is difficult it makes me feel the distance so much, its makes me realize that I just picked up and left at the beginning of a good start to my adult life. It makes me think about New York and all the great yeshiva's there, where I could be studying instead of being 6000 miles away in our ancient and beautiful home land. This trip is amazing, every moment of it even the hard moments sometimes especially the hard moments. I've created relationships here that have been forged out of the highest highs and the lowest lows. I don't regret a thing. I have Emunah in Hashem that all is as it should be. I'm grateful of all that I have been given, I love Israel. Shalom.