Monday, December 8, 2008


Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

I read that line in a book and it has become an instant classic for me. I have since I was around ten years old been collecting quotes. In fact I have a huge word document filled with them. When ever I’m reading a book or hear a particularly good snippet I usually write it down on a piece of scrap paper and it goes into the file. Its interesting reading it now going though the childish quotes, the classics, no ones I’m almost ashamed of now but won’t delete just because, you know they ended up in there somehow so it feels wrong to take them out now. I can track my intellectual progression though that document. One of the funniest trends is the initial slew of quotes about god being dead or whatever to quotes about mystery, aimlessness, agnosticism, etc. To quotes being more centered around dharma, god, Judaism and beyond, its fun to see the elasticity of my thoughts over the years; in my time collecting quotes I’ve added a lot of quotes from famous people but never has there been one from the new testament I always stayed away from it long before I ever started reading the Torah.

So I was a little surprised when I found out that quote is from the new testament it can be found if your curious in Matthew 6:21. I had an internal argument with myself if I should or could even include in my list. Finally I decided this: I don’t care where it comes from, if it’s a good quote if it resonates with me then it must be included. Bound by my own sense of intellectual honesty and freedom I have to be open or whatever comes across my path. I mean it is just a beautiful idea where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. It’s a meditation; it gives a human being something to think about. And I for one can always do with a good meditation. I love concentrating on the words of a phrase or idea, I love giving myself some quiet time in which to think, to really think and be quiet and see where my mind takes me. I find that doing that with a direction can lead me to greater clarity. So I thought I would share something that’s helping me find clarity at the moment. Clarity or death!