Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Beatles

I went out and read the book the other day and pulled out the whole Beatles quote thats in the book, it takes place between Nick and his friend Dev:

“You know what it’s all about, Nick?”

“What what’s about?”

“It, Nick. What it’s all about.”


“The Beatles.”

“What about the Beatles?”

“They nailed it.”

“Nailed what?”


“What do you mean?”

Dev takes his arm and puts it right against mine, skin to skin, sweat on sweat, touch on touch. Then he glides his hand into mine and intertwines our fingers.

“This,” he says. “This is why the Beatles got it.”

“I’m afraid I’m not following…”

“Other bands, it’s about sex. Or pain. Or some fantasy. But the Beatles, they knew what they were doing. You know the reason The Beatles made it so big?”


“I Wanna Hold Your Hand. First single. Fucking brilliant. Perhaps the most fucking brilliant song ever written. Because they nailed it. That’s what everyone wants. Not 24-7 hot wet sex. Not a marriage that lasts a hundred years. Not a Porsche or a blow job or a million dollar crib. No. They just wanna hold your hand. They have such a feeling that they can’t hide. Every single successful love song of the past fifty years can be traced back to I Wanna Hold Your Hand. And every single successful love story has those unbearable and unbearably exciting moments of hand holding. Trust me. I’ve thought a lot about this.”

“I Wanna Hold Your Hand,” I repeat

“And so you are my friend. So you are.”