Monday, January 18, 2010

New Problems

Every solution to a problem tends to create new problems. This is not unique to science but is true of human action generally. - Statistical Conclusion Validity and Internal Validity; Standish, Cook, Campbell

Welcome back to Boston!

After an eventful break, I’m back in school and just generally back in action. Having surgery threw me off for the last month. I’ve had a bad shoulder for the last five years. I even dislocated it near the Dead Sea in March of last year, so this had been planned. But there really is no good time to do something like this. For the entire first week post op I could barely move my upper body at all. My shoulder was bound up, my arm in a sling, sleeping all day; this was likely the combination of a much needed break and the effects of the anesthesia still circulating through my system, I was a mess. After week of recovery I started to feel human again, slowly - not every movement caused a jolt of pain to run through my right shoulder, I was getting better at doing everything with my left hand and left arm - I’m left handed but I had never realized the extent to which I use my right. By the end of the third week everything had gotten back to normal, well as normal as possible as I still have a very limited motion and two or three months of rehab ahead.

Still I marvel and thank god for living in a time and place where I can just correct the structural damage to my right shoulder and essentially be fine in ninety days.

And with that its back to school, this semester I’m diving head first into my program, taking classes on: city planning, strategizing public policy and design and research methods. It’s intense but also interesting (most of the time) and I’m enjoying the challenge.

The opening quote is from a book I’m reading for my research methods class. It’s a good summation of most if not all social theory and important to keep in mind when studying human behavior and attempting to draw conclusions. So hello from the great white north(east).
