Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Be true to yourself and stay humble

I need to get this off my chest; I woke up this morning with feelings of despair. I truly felt this morning like the world was going to hell and there was nothing that anyone could do to stop it. I’m sure by now you’ve heard about what happened the other day when Israel committed one of the most egregious, stupid errors I have ever been a witness to. I am angry today, angry at Israel like I have never been before. What occurred on the seas the other day was terrible, it was a terrible thing and today Israel is paying the price for such a stupid and misguided action.

On this blog, on facebook and with my words and actions I have always been a strong supporter of Israel, the place that I love with passion and intensity and pride. But today I feel such shame and grief, shame and grief like I have never felt before towards the leaders of a great nation. Today Israel must do something that it has never before done in international court. It must be humble and admit that this operation was a mistake, a mistake on every level. The plan was stupid, the outcome and consequences were foreseeable, and Israel needs to stand up today before the world and admit that this was a mistake and it shall not be repeated. I love Israel with every fiber of by being, but this was stupid and shortsighted.

In the coming months and years Israel faces a threat like it has never faced before, Hamas in Gaza is armed, Hezbollah in Lebanon is one of the most battle hardened and sophisticated militias in the world and Iran is orchestrating the whole thing, in an attempt to stretch its hegemony in the Middle East from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. It is inconceivable to me, inconceivable that at a time like this Israel would engage in a military action that was so shortsighted, did they achieve their objectives with this operation? Yes, they stopped the ship, but Israel has traded a tactical victory for a strategic nightmare. Was this boat delivering supplies that could have been used to make weapons? I would wager yes, but was stopping this very small delivery worth the cost? I say no, and anyone who says yes is thinking in a very shortsighted manner. They didn’t have to do this, they could have turned the boat around another way, they could have done so many things differently.

Today my heart grieves for the lives lost, for the Israeli soldiers who bravely did their jobs and were put into an impossible situation by their commanders. All across the world today there are protests against this action, all around the world today people are condemning Israel. I just don't get it, I don't get the whole thing, I want to understand it, but I don't and I wish I did. I hope that with more information some sense will be made of this. But the truth is, is that it doesn't matter, the damage has been done.