Sunday, December 16, 2007

Chanukah: night 1

The festival of lights is upon us in Jerusalem, the entire Jewish Quarter lit their first Chanukah candles tonight and it was a beautiful sight. My eight roommates and I all gathered outside with the rest of families. We talked and laughed and sang. We also have a new roommate in the Cardo for the next few weeks; he’s a cool guy and fits right into our dynamic. In fact all in all life has significantly improved around here. I’ve been making things I want materialize which is always fun. For instance I’ve been feeling very disconnected from the outside world and couldn’t find English newspapers. So what happens? A shop right next to my apartment started carrying them. If only the internet access was better then I’d be set. Unfortunately it’s mediocre with the cold setting in and my free time disappearing, I’m now on the 7th day without getting online. I don’t hate it, it can be really nice having a break from the online world, but there are those moments that I’d just like to be able to check my email and update this blog without having to go anywhere. This last week I took a series of classes at night called the “Possible You” it’s all about self actualization. I found myself sitting in the class realizing how good I’ve had it. And although I don’t feel like I really needed it, I keep finding myself using phrases from it, so it was a positive experience all in all. Once again I realize I haven’t written emails to people in a while, I feel bad but I simply haven’t had the time, to much learning and having fun makes Myles a tired boy. That’s all for now from Jerusalem. Enjoy the eight magical nights.