Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hanukkah: Wrap Up

Getting to be in Jerusalem for Hanukkah is an experience I never thought I’d have, seeing the curious tourists wander around the streets of the Jewish Quarter taking pictures of us lighting our menorahs has been quite a sight. It was also really nice to have a break from our normally packed schedule, me and my friends used the time well, mostly goofing off and going to the many parties thrown. I got to see my friend Ben perform twice, he brought the house down with his raps. Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer had a party it was in the Cardo square amongst the columns, he performed along with Ben and a few other Aish students. Aish had two parties one was just for the Pre-Intermediate group that I’m in we mostly danced, ate jelly doughnuts and sang songs, they even brought in a famous composer who’s name I can’t remember. The other was for the whole school, the night started with a comedy / music show during dinner and then moved up to the Beis Medrish for music, singing and dancing (noticing a theme here?) they did a great job with both parties. The last party I went to was at Rabbi Hurwitz’s home in Mea Shearim, drinking, singing and eating was the theme of the night. We had a blast, with all that going on we also celebrated the birthday of my friend Todd last night, I needed a nice long nap yesterday afternoon to prepare for another late night. Tomorrow we head up to the north for a week, it should be great and in just a little over two weeks my family will be here! It’s a very exciting time here in Israel and I know the next month is going to fly by. The weather has been so beautiful I have a hard time remembering it’s the middle of December, much love and of course Eretz Israel.