Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Maniac Adventure

I went back and read a bunch of my previous posts over the last five months or so and I realized and Interesting trend and that is the posts tend to swing up and down, going from fierce optimism and joy down to a somewhat manic(pardon the pun) depression and borderline despair. And I thought I should say something about that and simply put that is just how is is around here, the yeshiva experience isn't easy, its very difficult evaluating every aspect of your existence and wondering if you've been living it correctly, or if there might be a way to get more out of each day and each moment. And like I said it can be a difficult process and conversely an extremely rewarding process, I've met people here, and experienced things that I wouldn't trade the world for, I've grown and changed in ways that I never could have imagined this trip has(thus far) been everything I imagined it would be and so much more because I never could have foreseen any of this. And I just feel like I need to make that clear, because despite my many struggles here I'm happy and more in love with the world then I've ever been the peaks and valleys are just more extreme here because I don't have my family around or most of the things that make me comfortable. One day in the not so distant future I'll take those things back and I'll hold on to them fiercely. But for now I'm here floating in the wind... just a little bit, seeing where life takes me(is it April already??).