Monday, April 21, 2008


More on my personal Passover coming soon, for now enjoy a little information me and a friend wrote up earlier.

Pesach in a Nutshell:

Jews were in Egypt for 220 years. Moshe talks to G-d and G-d says go to Pharaoh and bounce out of Mitzraim (Egypt). "Let my people GO BOOOOOOO! Mitzraim in Hebrew comes from the root word which means restriction. And on this day about 3000ish years ago, after the plagues and all that jazz, we bounced!!!!

Pesach is a holiday that focuses on the Jews leaving Mitzraim as a physical and a spiritual entity. Leaving Mitzriam means to free yourself from all those things that keep you from being self actualized. Exile from your own personal Mitzraim (Egypt) is the goal!!!!

So we don’t eat leavened bread. Reasons being is bread is representative of our ego. So we clean our entire house for "chametz" (levening of any type as if we were cleaning our internal egos) and we eat matzah.

Matzah is flour and water that cooks for 18 minutes...after 18 minutes it becomes chametz...(from my understanding) and it is referred to as the poor mans bread!

So we are like kings and queens getting freed from Mitzraim physically and spiritually but we keep our ego in check by eating matzah. Why? Well we need to remind ourselves that at one time things were not so good and even though we are kings and queens we are still humble before Hashem.