Monday, January 5, 2009


I love fiction; it is my great comfort in this world. We all have them, that is our comfortable places. Places where we run to when we just can not deal with things. Mine like I just said is fiction, more to the point stories and characters. And this weekend I read the latest edition in one of my all time favorite series. Its funny the book came out on November 11 and I bought it a few weeks later and then I waited almost another month to read it. Why might you ask did I wait so long? Because I knew that I needed to be able to read it all the way through. I knew that I would need seven to ten solid hours once I started to finish and possibly more since inevitably if I liked it I would need to read it again. I was right sometimes we know ourselves so well.

The series starts with the book Enders Game and they are written by Orson Scott Card, he is a Mormon. I say that right at the start because his religion obviously affects his writing. All the book sin the series deal with military history and tactics, also religion, politics, psychology and more. The characters are amazingly well written and with each new story they become richer and more fully detailed. Be forewarned: the more you read and deeper you get the more theology gets involved. This fascinates me and only makes them more appealing but may turn off others. I would even go so far as to compare the latest book “Ender in Exile” the one I just finished read and somewhat Prophet-ish. When I read it I was reminded of the books of stories of King David.

The first book in the series Ender’s Game however is the least concerned with scripture however and can be read, stand alone if series are your thing. I love how fiction, especially character driven fiction can explore our own very real day-to-day struggles. Reading a book that takes place in the distant future, has the ability to open up new doors for me in this world, in this time, isn’t that something? I have I suppose in my own way found myself in these books as well. They have helped me deal with my own problems, my own trials and opened doors and windows when it seemed as though I was facing a brink wall. So I say if I have piqued your interest check ‘em out and if not ignore the ramblings of a young fool and have a wonderful day.