Friday, April 3, 2009

Israel and Iran

From Jeffrey Goldberg clarification on his recent article: Stop Iran or I will

This is a very serious issue of our time, it is unacceptable to allow a member of our global community to make such threats again another. Iran will not go away and they must be dealt with, obviously political and social maneuvering are the best option but we can not dismiss a military option if those avenues fail.

"Iran has threatened to annihilate a state or to have a state wiped off the map of the world. In historical terms, this is an astounding thing. It's a monumental outrage that goes effectively unchallenged in the court of public opinion. Sure, there are perfunctory condemnations, but there's no j'accuse - there's no shock and there's a resigned acceptance that this is acceptable practice. Bad things tend to get worse if they're not challenged early. Iranian leaders talk about Israel's destruction or disappearance while simultaneously creating weapons to ensure its disappearance."

I followed this statement with a question: Is there any chance that Iran could be stopped through non-military means? Netanyahu responded: "Yes I do, but only if the military option is left on the table."

Based on all these statements, I think it's fair to say that Netanyahu, when he comes to America, will tell President Obama that should America fail to suppress the Iranian nuclear program, Israel will have to try.