Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Boker Tov

I woke up at camp this morning, after it rained last night, the morning was beautiful. It was early 5:00am, I went back to sleep until 6:30 and woke up feeling great.

Since I still had time until Morning Prayer I decided to read. So I picked up a new book called “The perks of being a Wallflower” this book has been recommended to me by many, many people, but it wasn’t until I saw it on the list books by a fellow writer who I have respect for that I decided to pick it up. Funny how I’ve come to consider myself a writer, after spending so much time pretending that I knew how to write. The book is wonderful I quickly read to the end of part one.

Then I showered, prayed in my first conservative minion (it was interesting) and went to breakfast. Camp is starting to become fun, god willing that will continue. I’ve been trying to remember and meditate on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman who said that simcha (joy) is the highest level of serving hakadosh baruch hu.

Boker tov!


Chana said...

I love the perks of being a wallflower. I regard it as the quintessential teenage book. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts upon your completion of it.

Glad you are enjoying camp!