Sunday, January 20, 2008

In my Brain

My family is coming to Israel in 36 hours, have I really been in Israel for two months? How is that possible? I fell like I was just in New York working all day, living a beautiful quiet life. And now I’m a yeshiva student, studying Torah, learning the prayer services, Gemara, Chumash, the list goes on. The longer I’ve been here the less I know, I thought I had a good idea of what Judaism was before I left, but now I know just how much there is to know. I know how much I need to learn, how much I want to learn. It’s always been my nature to study something, try to understand it and now I realize I’ll never be done learning Torah, it’s a lifetime pursuit. Because there’s no end to it and because I know so little now, I know enough to realize that my short adventure is likely to turn into a long stay, how long? I don’t know, what I do know is I have business to take care of in Israel right now. And when I feel like I’ve gotten what I was looking for and done what I need to do I’ll be home. It’s hard to realize this. But it’s important; I could have lived my whole life without asking what it all means. And woken up one day and found out I had wasted it all. I feel fortunate to have the time I need. My family is coming to Israel in 35 hours.