Monday, November 10, 2008

A Better Way

Sometimes a song sums up our mood perfectly, sometimes an Artist expresses our own inner feelings better then we could ever hope to. Over the last few days I’ve been listening to every Ben Harper song I have on my ipod on a loop. The collection I have is scattered 42 songs from 5 albums. Its great music just good solid blues/ rock/ soul/ spiritual music, it’s the kind of music that makes me just want to burst out into song on the Subway. As it is I can barely contain myself, in fact if you see a fellow nodding his head, tapping his feet at 8:30am on the 2 train, well you may just be looking right at me. I love his stuff it’s the kind of music that goes straight to your soul. I love even more that he’s a Jew (His mother is Jewish), he much like his music is multi-cultural, he draws from influences all around the world. His stuff makes me feel so good inside sometimes that I can’t even contain myself. And on this beautiful New York City afternoon I just had to share it with the world. After all so frequently we find ourselves disappointed by all of the things going on in our lives that I think it is important to talk about that which surpasses our expectations. Those things which make us glad just to be wherever we are doing whatever we’re doing. Do you have those things in your life? I certainly hope so because it is those things that make life truly worthwhile and when you find them try to appreciate them, because too often we can’t.

I'm a living sunset
Lightning in my bones
Push me to the edge
But my will is stone

Because I believe in a better way…