Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Nature of Things

You live you learn, apparently. Although I have to say I see very little learning around here. By here I mean anywhere I go, as far as I can tell no one knows what the hell is going on and all they do is do their best to react to the situations put in front of them. Immanuel Kant said “Everything in this world is predictable, everything is logical, everything makes sense except for human life.” I’m paraphrasing in fact Kant maybe not have even said that, I heard a lecture and the Rabbi giving that lecture said that Kant said those things. So I don’t even know if what I am writing was even said or if I’m just making it up. That getting me thinking about the ‘realness’ of our lives perhaps this is appropriate considering I just quoted one of the great philosophers of the last 500 years. And philosophy is the avenue of mad men and lunatics. But really what is real, our ideas or philosophies, important ideas, ideas that we base our lives off of. Ideas that take us in one direction or the other may not even exist. They may only exist because we exist, because we give them form and substance and content. We interpret them and express them and make them real. I don’t want to get off on a rant about this, men far greater then I have spent far more time thinking about and discussing these ideas then me. But it does stick in my craw just a little bit. It agitates me much the same way that you can not ignore that little piece of food stuck between your teeth. I just can’t let go of this idea, and I don’t know why. Maybe its because I’m transitioning at the moment trying to reestablish myself on a familiar place, with my head filled with new ideas about what life is and could be. I don’t know. I wish I did, I do not think that I am alone on that one. To often I get stuck thinking that I’m the only one who is. It’s a lonely and ridiculous feeling. I spoke with a friend the other day who reminded me of this, I don’t even know if he realizes he did or how much it meant to me to for that hour we spoke feel like I had a kindred spirit in this crazy world. He is not the first nor will he be the last to remind me of this. It feels good for even an hour to know that I’m not alone that god willing I will never be alone. Just know what if / when you ever feel that way you to are not alone.