Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day

Today is a new day in America and its just starting to hit me. At 10:00pm last night I turned the TV off, once the results for Ohio were in with Florida, Indiana and North Carolina close that was that. McCain had no way to win and we all knew it. I went to bed knowing that America had made its choice and now we have to live with it. It is a weird thing for me personally I’ve matured with W’s presidency, watched a man I didn’t like or agree with about much mess with a country I love. Over those eight years I also became decidedly more conservative, I don’t mean Republican I mean conservative, with a small c.

Winston Churchill said “Any man who is under 30 and not a liberal has no heart, any man who is over 30 and not a conservative has no brains”. And as I have gotten older and moved into my mid-twenties I have become more conservative. I do not agree with Obama about everything. I suspect that over the next four years I will find a lot to disagree with him about. But I do think his election is a great sign that our system still works, that America is not George W Bush and his many failed policies. I’m proud today to be an America as I was yesterday and the day before that.

It really began to hit me today as I was on the train coming into NY, everyone was talking, and everyone had something to say. I now work at a place where the mission is to end poverty and hunger around the world. People are excited, people are energized; people believe that today with Barack Obama in line to take office that they are closer then ever to achieving those goals. People around my office know hope. I am excited to be a part of something like this, I to know hope.