Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Is it (almost) March already??

Its been a while since my last post, I try not to let that happen but there are times here that I don't have that much to say, whenever I sit down to write nothing comes out. It’s strange and I suppose I could always just post up some links or random thoughts about whatever. But at least for now that's not what I want this blog to be about. I knew when I decided to come to Israel that it wouldn't always be an easy experience and lately its been very up and down day in and day out I don't know what to expect. Some mornings I wake up ready to go to class to learn, and within ten minutes I'm hating class, wondering what the hell I'm doing in Israel and just wishing I was home. Other days I wake up angry and ready to go home, only to become deeply engaged in a topic, and in those moments I remember why I'm here and what I'm doing. And that’s just how it is. Life no matter where you are is just up and down at times. But I feel like being in a foreign land, far removed from the comfort and safety of home can exaggerate it. Anyway I've really been trying to sort out where I stand on a lot of core issues and what in turn that means for how I live my life. Questions like am I going to keep Shabbat and kosher when I go home. And I realize I won't really know until I get home. This is a scary proposition. But I'm getting there slowly but surely I'm figuring out what my place is in the world is. I can't say that I'm always 100% happy or even that I wouldn't have been happier just staying home and not going on this crazy adventure but I do know that if I hadn’t decided to do this I could have woken up ten or twenty years from now without any of these questions resolved and with none of the time I have now to resolve them. So I try to count my blessings each and everyday and appreciate the beauty to gods grand design even if I can’t always understand it. Shalom and Eretz Israel.


Meg in CT said...

Wow, I was randomly stalking facebook and saw your webpage. Pretty neat that you just up and left for Israel, my brother up and left for Hong Kong. All very much more exciting than Indiana. I hope all continues to go well with you. :o)