Sunday, July 27, 2008


Just a few days ago I thought I might break my blogging record for a month, but then life happened and I hit a wall. Not really a wall so much as I am now dealing with issues that I don't feel entirely comfortable writing on such a public forum. This has been a weird experience for to date I've left very little pardon the expression sacred. I've written with passion and anger, love and fear, and its been a very liberating experience for me. I've talked about this with many close friends and family members. I'm an extremely private person and to have taken the time to write what I have experienced as honestly as I've been able to is a difficult thing for me. It's simply not my nature to be so open. But its been a wonderful experience for me as I said before, I've had a chance to throw caution to the wind and not worry about that others will think when they read this blog. But now I'm feeling closed again, which is not to say I haven't been talking to my trusted friends and family about my life. Because I have, in fact I've been talking so much I think many of them just want to tell me to stick a sock in it. To chill out and just ride the wave. But alas it is simply not my nature though I do my best to fight it. I am a compulsive analyzer. I can not leave well enough alone I simply must look at ever situation in my life from every conceivable angle, multiple times. And so thats what I've been doing talking and not writing, not sharing because there are incredible things happening in my life, things that I don't entirely understand things that make me nervious and happy all at the same time. And I'm so excited I hardly know what to do with myself. Does any of this make sense? I hope it does it just something I've struggled with since I started the adventure of writing this blog, and its a topic I have yet to explore. I thought it was time. Shalom from Eretz Israel.