Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lose your mind, Find yourself

I wrote that down during my weekend in Tsfat, more perhaps then any other single phrase I've written in the last few months that one describes what its been like in Israel. Really what else is there to say about yeshiva life. Now that I have a (somewhat) firm date for coming home its my hot topic, I keep asking myself, will everyone still recognize me when I get home? More to the point do I even recognize myself? I've gone back recently and read some of my first entries to the blog and I love them. They are so naive? I'm not sure thats the right word, hopeful? That might be closer. Either way from then until now I've seen and experienced a lot that alone without anything else was bound to change me. In fact I knew that right from the very start I knew that even a short trip would challenge me and the very point of the trip itself was growth. I find that now more then ever how I feel about yeshiva life and Israel has become increasingly unstable a large part of me just wants to go home, I've been away for over eight months, its been over six months since I've seen my family and I'm tired, its the sort of weariness that a few good nights sleep just won't take away. Or maybe, just maybe its to early in the morning, maybe just maybe a few more hours will do the trick. What did I say before? I'm losing my mind and finding myself...